Just to see the bottle, it is already striking. And when you think it is a gin, of the many that are constantly distilled, you read in the back, which is made, in one of the oldest stills in Europe, manufactured in 1890 by Herve Moulin de Bordeaux, and its place of origin is Suiza.Nace of the passion of two passionate gin Gin and Brinos who wanted to create their own gin.Before such data, the next thing you ask yourself How will you know? Floral, Citrus, herbaceous? It is the typical question that we often ask those who are behind a bar.Well, this gin should know that it is made with a wheat base.The alcohol used to make it, is imported from the United Kingdom, cradles of the best gin. To create the gin Dufferin, by macerating its botanicals, to then be distilled in the copper still. It is a gin that has 5 distillations. For its elaboration, the grain alcohol is reduced with spring water and d The botanists marinate for 24 hours and then reduce alcohol to 40%
How gin the pleasant encounter, with Mediterranean and citrus aromas.
The juniper stands out, although it joins very well with the notes of fresh grass.
The end, leaves a certain memory to Lima.
Mint Brava
Lemon peel
Bitter orange
Featured botanist
Chamomile or common or Roman chamomile is a perennial herb of the Asteraceae family, native to Europe. The common chamomile is a perennial herb of dense stems presents sessile leaves, alternate, tripinnatilobuladas, finally divided, with the linear leaflets. In terminal position presents in summer an inflorescence in the form of chamomile genitals paniculated chapter pain. Radial flowers are about 20 cm with white ligule, while those of the disk are numerous, hermaphroditic, with the yellow corolla, the tips of the oval anthers and the end of the trunk style. The floral head does not exceed 1 cm in diameter . The fruits are cylindrical achenes, more or less a millimeter in diameter, somewhat larger than radial ones. Pollination is carried out hymenoptera but the plant is capable of self-pollination.
It is native to Western Europe except Holland and northern Asia, although it formerly grew in abundance in Greece for ornamental, medicinal and turfgrass purposes. It was introduced in Central Europe, Italy, Bulgaria and Russia and is now naturalized in most of United States, Ecuador, Colombia and in the Central Valleys of Chile. It extends over a large part of the Iberian Peninsula being less frequent in the northwest, east and southeast of this. Its habitat is meadows and grassy places, as well as in sandy soils with silica and dry meadows. It lives in grazing land and trampled soils. This species needs warm seasons with temperate climates for its development, but it can withstand frost, drought, lack of nutrients and high alkaline concentrations. The tender stem and flowering tops are used dry or fresh infused, aromatic and slightly bitter. It is often confused with German chamomile, the therapeutic effects associated with chamomile are digestive, carminative, sedative, tonic, vasodilator and antispasmodic.